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NO. 2/7(13)/2009/Policy(Trans.-Pricing)/CERC                                                                                          30 th March, 2010

Subject : Draft ‘Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges & Losses) Regulations, 2010.

In exercise of powers conferred under Section 178 of Electricity Act, 2003 (the Act), the Commission has made draft regulations on Sharing of inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses. The draft regulation was circulated vide notice dated 8th February, 2010 inviting comments / suggestions / objections on the draft regulations. The date was further extended up to 19.03.2010 vide notice dated 08.03.2010. Several comments have been received. Commission intends to hold a public hearing on these draft regulations in due course.

2. Before the public hearing, it has been decided to hold a seminar with the objective of explaining the main features of the draft Regulations to the stakeholders. The seminar has been organized at “Jacranda – II. India Habitat Center” on 05.04.2010.

3. It has been further decided to share the following details about the proposed methodology with the stakeholders:

  1. Transmission charges computed for the expected network and load-generation scenario in year 2011-12 [ Attachment-I ] PDF
  2. Nodal charges for various seasonal scenario in respect of transmission charges computed for year 2011-12. [ Attachment-II ] PDF
  3. Network data used for computing transmission charges for year 2008-09. [ Attachment-III ] ZIP
  4. Estimated network data used for computing transmission charges for year 2011-12. [ Attachment-IV ] ZIP
  5. Details about slack bus identification used for computing transmission charges for year 2008-09. [ Attachment-V ] ZIP
  6. Details of slack bus identification used for the likely scenario in year 2011-12. [ Attachment-VI ] ZIP

Yours faithfully,
(Alok Kumar)