
Archives 2009

400/765 Kv Transmission line capital cost benchmarking. Last Date: 31-12-2009
1. Public Notice
2. Explanatory Memorandum
3. Model
Draft Regulation on Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) for Renewable Energy Generation, 2009 by 30.11.2009.
1. Public Notice
2. Draft Regulations
3. Explanatory Memorandum
CTU Circulates draft detailed Procedure under (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in Inter-State Transmission and related issue) Regulations, 2009
Preamble .
Oral Hearing on ‘Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2009' on 25th November 2009 at CERC.
Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2009 Last Date of submission of Comments Extended upto 10-11-2009
1. Public Notice Date further extended upto 10-November-2009
2. Public Notice
3. Draft Regulations
4. Forms
5. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Regulations for prescribing rates, charges and Terms and Conditions for use of intervening transmission facilities Comments by 15.11.2009
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Regulations for revision of trading Margin Comments by 10.11.2009
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
3. Report of the consultant
Proposal for revision of UI charges and additional UI charges with a view to ensuring grid discipline
1. Public Notice
2. Draft Order
Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedures for calculating the expected revenue from tariffs and charges) Regulations, 2009 Comments by 19-10-2009
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
3. Forms
Draft Model Connection Agreement IEGC-Annexure-1 of Chapter-4 for Comments by 09-10-2009
1. Public Notice
2. Connection Agreement
3. Application Form
Draft Regulations on Amendment of the CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of trading licence and other related matters) Regulations, 2009.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
Measures for restraining escalation of the price of electricity in short-term sale/trading.
1. Public Notice
2. Draft Order

Amendment to the Draft Regulations on tariff for Renewable Energy.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum
4. Consolidated Draft Regulation
Draft methodology for determining escalation factors under the Competitive Bidding Guidelines
1. Public Notice
2. Draft methodology
Draft Regulations on fees and charges of Regional Load Despatch Centre and other related matters.
1. Public Notice: Date extended upto 30-June-2009
2. Notification
Draft Regulations on tariff for renewable energy.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Regulations on Amendment of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Payment of Fees) Regulations, 2008.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
Draft Regulations on Amendment of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
Draft Amendment Regulations on Open Access in inter-state Transmission.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
Draft on Indian Electricity Grid Code (Amendments) 2009.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Regulations on Unscheduled Interchange charges.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
3. Explanatory Memorandum
Draft Regulations on application of congestion charge.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
Draft Regulations on procedure, terms and conditions for grant of transmission licence and other related matters.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
Draft Proposed Regulation on furnishing of technical information by the Generating Companies
1. Public Notice
2. Notification
Draft regulations on Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Access to the inter-State Transmission and related matters.
1. Public Notice
2. Notification