
Discussion Paper

Staff Paper on modifications in the GNA Regulations (Last date of submission of comments and suggestions:- 11.11.2024) New
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on “Methodology for Transition from Six-Monthly Escalation Rates to Monthly Escalation Rates for Imported Coal”- reg (Last date extended:- 08.07.2024)
1.Public Notice (Extension)
2.Public Notice
3.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on "Regulatory Oversight on Bidding Behaviour in Power Exchanges"(Last date of submission of comments and suggestions 31.05.2024)
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on “Grid Security Charge”- reg. (Last date extended of submission of comments and suggestions 31.10.2023)
1.Public Notice (Extension)
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on “Market Coupling”- reg. (Last date extended of submission of comments and suggestions 16.10.2023)
1.Public Notice (Extension)
2.Public Notice
3.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on “Review of Composite Index used for Computing the Escalation Rate for Imported Coal for Bid Evaluation and Payment”- reg. (Last date extended of submission of comments and suggestions 10.07.2023)
1.Public Notice(Extension)
2.Public Notice
3.Staff Paper
4. Public hearing will be held on 10th August, 2023 at 3:30PM.
Staff Paper on "Power Market Pricing"- reg.
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on the “Blending of imported coal with domestic coal to mitigate the domestic coal shortage”.
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on the “Methodology for Computing ‘Deterrent Charges’ for maintaining lower coal stock by coal based thermal generating stations”.
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on the “Methodology for Computing the Escalation Rates for Imported Coal for Payment on Monthly Basis”- reg.
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
Staff Paper on the “Methodology for computing the Escalation Factors and other parameters for the purpose of Bid Evaluation and Payment for Procurement of Power from Renewable Energy Projects Complemented with Firm Power from any other source through Competitive Bidding”.
1.Public Notice(Extension)
2.Public Notice
3.Staff Paper
Mechanism for Compensation on account of change in law for compliance with Revised Emission Standards notified by MoEF&CC in respect of Competitively Bid Thermal generating – Staff Paper thereof.
1.Public Notice
2.Staff Paper
3.Comments of the Stakeholders
Staff paper on the “Methodology for Compilation of Coal Price Index applicable for Power Sector”
1.Public Notice (Extension).
2.Public Notice.
3.Staff Paper
Discussion Paper on “Market Based Economic Dispatch of Electricity: Re-designing of Day-Ahead Market (DAM) in India".
1.Public Notice
2.Discussion Paper
3.Public Notice(Extension)
Discussion Paper on “Re-Designing Ancillary Services Mechanism in India”.
1.Public Notice.
2.Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper on “Re-Designing Real Time Electricity Market in India”
1.Public Notice.
2.Discussion Paper
Terms and Conditions of Tariff for the tariff period commencing from 1st April, 2019 – Consultation Paper thereof.
1.Public Notice (Extension).
2.Public Notice.
3.Consultation Paper.
Invitation of comments/suggestions on staff paper on “Revised Methodology for Application of the Escalation Rates for Payment”.
1.Public Notice.
2.Staff Paper.
Staff Paper on Introduction of Electricity Storage System in India.
1.Public Notice.
2.Public Notice(Extension).
3.Staff Paper.
Staff Paper on National Open Access Registry.
1.Public Notice.
2.Staff Paper.
Staff Paper on Transmission Planning, Connectivity, Long /Medium Term Open Access and other Related Issues
Extension of date for Comments .
1.Public Notice.
2.Extension Notice.
3.Staff Paper.
Staff Paper on Allowing Electricity Traders to Aggregate and Disaggregate Contracts and Calculate Average Trading Margin for the transactions .
1.Public Notice.
2.Staff Paper.
Staff Paper on Extended Market Session on Power Exchanges.
1.Public Notice.
2.Staff Paper.
Staff paper on "Improvement of Market Efficiency by information dissemination through display of Aggregate Demand and Supply Day Ahead curves by Power Exchanges on their website.
1.Public Notice
2.Discussion Paper
Staff Paper on "Introduction of Ancillary Services in Indian Electricity Market"-Last date of submission has been extended to 15-05-2013.